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monica261's Wine Journal

May 27, 2013
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Blue Ridge Vineyard (written May 28, 2013)
Wine: 3 stars Winery: 3 stars Ambiance: 1 stars
Barbara, the owner of the property was extremely insulting. This is definitely not a family friendly vineyard. Or maybe it was our nationality. Who knows? Our children were not misbehaved, but just acting like normal happy children. The children that were probably her grandchildren or somehow related, were very excited to see our children and looked for them to play. They were playing nicely outside, not rambunctious. Whatever it was that irked Barbara, she could have shown politeness and tact the first and only time she approached us and we would have quickly picked up that this was an 'adult preferred' vineyard and left. Instead she starts by insulting us as parents and our children repeating that she had never in her life seen children like ours. She said more. She also stated that her vineyard was a quiet vineyard and the surrounding grassy area and wildlife was not to be disturbed. Yet our kids had not strayed from the picnic table area. What is interesting is that two hours later there was a jazz festival scheduled with 3-4 bands and a few hundred expected guests that would be sprawled all accross her property. There would be barbecuing and alcohol (sangria and wine) served. Her 'quiet and undisturbed' vinyard would no longer be so quiet and undisturbed. I regret buying several bottles of wine there. I should have returned them as no sooner had we finished paying for it and cheese and crackers, than she comes out ranting at us. When a parent had the 'audacity' to defend her children she quickly and unhesitantly kicked us all out. Reader, are you planning to go there with your family, spouse and kids? Don't.

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